Public Meetings on Proposed Changes

The Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA) will be holding public meetings to receive comments on the proposed service and fare changes that would go into effect on July 1, 2018. BRTA was advised by MassDOT to expect level funding of the statewide regional transit authorities’ allocation, at the FY 2015 level of $80.4 million. BRTA… [ read more … ]

PMB Vote

The Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA) received notification late this evening that the membership of Paratransit Management of Berkshire (PMB) voted tonight to reject the Best and Final Offer presented at the January 26 mediation meeting. The membership also authorized a work stoppage to occur in 10 days. This action may also cause the BRTA… [ read more … ]

Vote Meeting Rescheduled

The Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA) received notification this afternoon that the membership vote meeting, scheduled for Sunday evening has been rescheduled. This means all BRTA paratransit and fixed route service will operate as usual on Monday January 29, 2018. The meeting to either accept or reject the Best and Final Offer presented at Friday’s… [ read more … ]

Possible Strike Notice

The Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA) received notification this afternoon that the contract negotiations between Paratransit Management of the Berkshires and the Union Local 404 have progressed to involve a Federal Mediator. The membership will vote on Sunday evening to either accept or reject the Best and Final Offer presented at the mediation meeting. [ read more … ]

Vote Meeting Rescheduled

The Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA) received notification this afternoon that the membership vote scheduled for this evening has been rescheduled to early next week. The membership will vote to either accept or reject the Best and Final Offer presented at the Friday January 26 mediation meeting. [ read more … ]

Your Opinion Counts

It is BRTA’s goal to help people in the Berkshires get to where they need to go by providing the best possible bus transit system. In order to achieve this goal, we need to understand why you do or do not ride the BRTA bus and your thoughts about how the service could be improved.… [ read more … ]