Human Service Transportation/MassHealth Brokerage

The BRTA commenced brokerage operations in July 2001 and during this first year, brokered approximately 80,000 trips. BRTA will broker the final HST trip on June 30, 2021. Contracts to broker MassHealth transportation services in Berkshire County were awarded to Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (MART) starting on July 1, 2021.

Customers accustomed to calling the BRTA to schedule their transportation will now contact MART at (866) 834-9991.

The HST office in Boston can be reached at (617) 847-3427, , or to submit trip feedback.

Jose Delgado is the Director of the Governor’s Western Massachusetts Office in Springfield. He can be reached at 413-784-1200 or

The BRTA was one of six Regional Transit Authorities in Massachusetts that broker transportation for consumers of six state agencies: the Department of Medical Assistance (known as MassHealth, DMA or Medicaid), the Department of Public Health (DPH), the Department of Developmental Services (DDS), Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC), Department of Mental Health (DMH), and Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB). The BRTA provided this service for the thirty-two cities and towns in the Berkshires, under a contract with the Human Service Transportation (HST) Office in Boston. The BRTA contracted with eight area service providers and schedules trips for DMA consumers. Trips for DPH-EI, DDS, MRC, DMH, and MCB consumers were also provided under contract and scheduled in coordination with their respective state agencies.