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Berkshire Regional Coordinating Council on Transportation (BRCCOT) Meeting

Please join us on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, from 2:30- 4:00 PM at the BRTA, 2nd floor Boardroom, 1 Columbus Avenue, Pittsfield, to provide your input on the update of the Berkshire Regional Coordinated Public Transit – Human Services Transportation (CHST) plan. The CHST Plan focuses on the transportation needs of persons with disabilities, older adults, and persons with low income, provides strategies for meeting these needs, and prioritizes transportation services for funding and implementation. The plan is updated every few years to retain the region’s eligibility for federal funding and address the growing needs of human services transportation users. This BRCCOT meeting focuses on discussing and updating the Berkshire County 2018 priorities listed in the CHST plan document to meet the Berkshire County residents’ current and future transportation needs.